
Coming soon!

Screen Creature

There'll be a banner here one day... promise.

Web Graphics :DDDDDDDD

I love web graphics!!!!!!! I love blinkies!!!!!! I love buttons!!!!!! There was a previous version of this site which was slightly ugly and also had a different name, it basically served as my blinkies and buttons collection zone. I love web graphics!!!!!


Font freak Are we.. connected? This blinkie has been discontinued be kind to your computer There can only be one send me your teeth Pacman chaos, panic, disorder twinkle twinkle I am abductable I glow in the dark No balls. No longer just code F word Lava blinkie Click to explode Your ridiculous little opinion has been noted don't believe everything you think I'm digital so many books, so little time Lothlorien Catepillar squirming along Hooked on Blinkies eater of grass don't play stupid with me im stupider the goldfish are watching Lost my marbles I need more time number1victoryroyalyeahfortniteweboutagetdown otherworldly creature wizard Let me look into my orb In the dungeon Boo! hehe Building a pipe bomb Play nice You are here -> X Computer geek Bro you're sparkling Fuck it, can open worms everywhere Dust collector this user is microwaveable I hope you experience joy today click click click Masculinity Ow ow shit my back


Not included here are buttons for personal websites. You can find those on my Links page.

Ban time travel NOW! Best veiwed with eyes Powered by: a mouse in a wheel Learn HTML today! Picture of the hands from the creation of adam I like computer The radical power of friendship! neocities VsCode! Have you thanked a spider today?